Libraries – THATCamp ACRL 2013 The Humanities and Technology Camp Tue, 23 Apr 2013 19:30:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Crowdsourcing an information literacy MOOC: a twitter story Fri, 19 Apr 2013 20:00:06 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

There was so much interest in the Let’s Make a MOOC session that it ran for almost 4 hours on Friday. Here is a storify of what unfolded. Please keep the work alive and help bring this one-week MOOC to completion! #ilmooc

If you are interested in building the course out in Canvas, set up an account as a Teacher and you can locate the course IL MOOC or leave your email address in a comment and we’ll send you an invitation. Many hands are needed!

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Google doc from “Plan a dh+lib series” Sat, 13 Apr 2013 04:40:33 +0000

Thanks all for attending! Add to the doc if something’s missing, or if there are ideas that should’ve been discussed.

Notes: Libraries & Publishing Fri, 12 Apr 2013 15:56:28 +0000

DH 101: Getting Started in Digital Humanities Thu, 11 Apr 2013 16:21:53 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

I cannot speak for other participants, but I am somewhat intimidated by all the tools, technologies, and projects that fall under digital humanities. The question I have is: how do I get involved? What technologies do I need to know? How do I convince stakeholders in my library that DH has value? I am sure that other newbies to DH have similar questions.

Ideally, participants would be a mix of newbies (such as myself) and people with more experience in DH. I have no set agenda in mind except as a come-and-go-as-you-please seminar/discussion format. If anyone has any suggestions to make the most out of this proposal, please e-mail me at

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UPDATED! DH and Makerspace Mashup Thu, 11 Apr 2013 13:49:05 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

This is a talk session for those who are thinking about how to bring a maker space into an academic library. If you’ve been following the library and maker space movement, then you know that people usually don’t think about libraries when they think about maker spaces. And they especially don’t think about creative, collaborative, maker spaces when they think about academic libraries.

But as universities and colleges become more and more about the experience they offer and not just the degree one can attain, the learner’s experience in the library becomes a great opportunity to attract and retain students. Today’s students need the opportunity to move beyond what library information commons offer – computers, group study spaces, whiteboards – to tools to be producers – taking their knowledge and theory into application and prototyping.

Maker spaces tend to be STEM centric. (Another great opportunity for libraries!) In this session I’d like to facilitate a discussion on the idea of creating a ‘maker space’ in an academic library that incorporates the Digital Humanities. What would the guiding principles be? What would the space look like? What equipment would be needed? What software? What furniture? Supplies? What else? How should it be supported? Advertised? Assessed? And more.

If this topic interests you I hope you’ll come and contribute. I hope it will be a great opportunity to come away with a plan of action or at least a better vision for how it could be done.

Kate Ganski, Library Instruction Coordinator, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee

Notes were compiled from our TALK on Google Docs titled: DH and Makerspace Mashup. Please continue to add ideas here and let us know what projects and conversations develope back at your home institutions.

Let’s keep the conversation going on Twitter: #DHMakerspace

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Let’s Make a MOOC! Crowdsourcing an Information Literacy MOOC Mon, 08 Apr 2013 22:40:35 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

Seems like everytime I check my education news feed there is at least one article talking about MOOCs. Advocates hailing the disruptive impact of MOOCs to bring higher education to the masses. Proponents tempering the MOOC frenzy with reminiscences of early technological fads. No matter what side is argued the fact remains that MOOCs are a new player in this old game of higher education and almost every university is crafting a plan to incorporate them into their programs.

Inspired by Hybrid Pedagogy’s week long MOOC MOOC let’s bring our collective knowledge of delivering information literacy instruction together to crowdsource a week long information literacy MOOC. Let’s design the instruction blocks, learning activities, and assessment challenges using open educational resources (OERs), free and open access readings, cloud based productivity tools, and open badges.

We’ll need many hands to make this a success. We may not finish but we’ll be off to a great start to making a great course.

Kate Ganski, Library Instruction Coordinator, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee
Kristin Woodward, Instructional Design Librarian, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee

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